Membership of the Catenian Association gives the opportunity to meet other Catholic men and to build lifelong friendships with them and their families.
Membership is by invitation and is open only to practising Catholic laymen over the age of 18 who are financially stable and (if under retirement age) in employment at the time of joining. There are no specific requirements in terms of income or type of occupation, nor a requirement for a member's wife to be a Catholic: many are not and participate fully in the enjoyment of Catenian life.
Potential members are either approached by, or approach, a current member when interest in the Association is explored and explained. The applicant is then invited to social functions (along with his wife and family where the event is appropriate) so he/they can experience the Catenian ethos.
Where interest continues an applicant will then be invited to attend one or more Circle meetings as an observer. Applicants are required to make formal application on the appropriate form and to meet with members of the local Circle's membership committee (usually with his wife present) so the implications of membership can be discussed fully in a relaxed atmosphere. The applicant then joins the Association as a member of a local Circle.
If you are interested in finding out more and do not know a Catenian contact our
Secretary Charles Cseh
Mobile 07783664629 or email:
Our Membership Officer: Richard Percival
Phone: 01377270022 or email: